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Seth Meyers Knows Why Ivanka Testimony Freaks Out Trump

31 Okt 2023 03:37 WITA·

					Seth Meyers Knows Why Ivanka Testimony Freaks Out Trump Perbesar


Last week, Judge Arthur Engoron—the judge in Donald Trump’s $250 million civil fraud trial in New York—ordered Ivanka Trump to testify in the case against her dad. And Seth Meyers can’t imagine that decision is sitting well with the former POTUS.

“You know Trump is freaked out about Ivanka having to testify, because she seems like she might actually know shit,” says Meyers. “I have to believe she’s the only child Trump trusted to do actual business. Ivanka was crunching numbers while Eric was covering his face in Rogaine and Don Jr. was out sitting on that stump.”

“Ivanka taking the stand is bad for Trump because she’s the only one who can actually stand,” the Late Night host said of the notoriously posture-challenged Trump family.”They all stand like they forgot to take the hanger out of their shirts,” joked Meyers.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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