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How Danny Pellegrino Survived Gay Ghosts, Bravolebrities, and the Holidays

31 Okt 2023 08:34 WITA·

					How Danny Pellegrino Survived Gay Ghosts, Bravolebrities, and the Holidays Perbesar

Courtesy Danny Pellegrino

It can be quite fun to be haunted by a gay ghost. Danny Pellegrino knows.

“A gay man who died in the 1980s has been haunting me on Halloween my entire adult life,” Pellegrino, an author who also hosts the wildly popular Everything Iconic pop culture podcast, writes in his new book, The Jolliest Bunch: Unhinged Holiday Stories. “There, I said it! That’s right, my name is Danny Pellegrino, and I have a homosexual ghost chasing me around on the spookiest holiday.”

How did Pellegrino know that these paranormal encounters were with a friend of Dorothy, somehow stuck between our realm and somewhere over the rainbow?

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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