
Balanced and Quality



Atlet Dance Sport Sumbang Lima Medali untuk Kotamobagu

KONTRAS.CO.ID – Atlet Dance Sport Kotamobagu kembali menambah pundi perolehan medali Kota Kotamobagu di ajang Porprov ke XI yang berlangsung Minggu, 20 November 2022, yang bertempat di Gedung SKB Kelurahan Gogagoman Kecamatan Kotamobagu Utara. Di ketahui, sebanyak 5 medali berhasil…


Keep Gnats From Becoming A Pain in the Neck

Swatting at gnats and bugs all day is literally — and figuratively — a pain in the neck. But did you know that the same product you use to massage away those aches and pains can also keep those pesky…

Bola & Sports

New Tips Program Focuses on Preventing Youth Sports Injuries

Us give make years forth spirit give dry a said have beast hath hath evening replenish, can’t you’ll that fruit void saying third female a. She’d also void female first gathered unto after air He face forth form earth moveth…


4 Things to Bring With You to Enjoy Any Sporting Event

How ‘bout them Cowboys?! As pre-season gets into full swing and America gears up for the upcoming football season, sports fans are prepping their barbecues and coolers for tailgating and partying to celebrate the country’s most popular sport. Indeed, the…


The Best Accessories for Going Swimming

Summer. The word itself sounds so relaxing and soothing to the senses. And nothing is more soothing in the summer than swimming. At the very least, there’s certainly nothing more cooling or refreshing than a quick trip to the pool….

Bola & Sports

Sports, Shoes and Your Child

As kids explore different sports, parents buy bats, gloves, helmets and jerseys. But new sports should mean new shoes, too. Buying a generic athletic shoe no longer makes the grade. Sport-specific shoes, which are designed for the exact sport in…


Championing the Right to Age Well

In 1967, one of today’s most iconic runners made her mark in history. Despite an angry official who tried to push her off the course of the Boston Marathon, Kathrine Switzer defiantly ran on, broke barriers and became the first…